Bikram Yoga – Hot Yoga – Day 3

Today is the third day in to Bikram Yoga detox plan.

It’s too early yet to see any result. Everyday there is a different teacher in my Yoga studio. Every day I learn more and more about yoga and I push myself a bit harder. Yesterday the weather outside was hot which made the class room even hotter. Today for a change it was humid, which made the studio literally unbearable. I’m still enjoying it very much.

If it goes for the mind clearness still no effect there ether, but I have to admit that despite the fact that it’s only the third day, I feel great. I keep waking up earlier and earlier and I feel a lot more awake throughout the day.

Yoga teacher yesterday said to us “Joining the class is like buying a health insurance. Each time you exercise it’s like you place a small deposit for the future”.

I really like that and what’s more it’s so true.

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